Insta360: Think Bold x Jetson ONE




It was incredible to collaborate with the Insta360 team in Tuscany earlier this year. As part of their Think Bold series, the Insta 360 crew sat down with the Jetson founders to learn more about our journey and inspiration. Later, it was all action. We created the most incredible chase scene between the Jetson ONE and a Ferrari 488.

The Thinking Bold ethos is “to challenge the status quo with ambitious ideas and actions.” We were excited to be part of a project that aligns with what has fuelled our Jetson journey. The shoot was incredibly fun and the Insta360 team were fantastic to work with.

We have used the Insta360 cameras to record amazing moments and milestones throughout our entire Jetson journey. Including our first ‘manned flight’ and our epic Official Launch movie.

What we knew would be an exciting day of flying, filming and testing limits also turned out to be a day of reflection. When asked what inspired the founders we were taken on a trip down memory lane.

About Insta360

Founded in 2015, Insta360 makes boldly innovative cameras that help people capture and share their lives. The brand’s ONE Series and GO Series cameras are redefining what’s possible with an action camera. The ONE Series brings together groundbreaking stabilization, the ability to easily capture drone-like aerial angles, and the freedom to reframe a shot in any direction after the fact — all in a palm-sized device. Insta360 GO 2 revolutionized first-person capture by packing flagship power and groundbreaking stabilization into a thumb-sized action camera.Insta360 also makes a premium range of ultra-high-resolution professional VR cameras, including Insta360 Pro 2 and Titan. Their best-in-class imaging and streamlined workflows make it easy for filmmakers to jump into immersive content production.

For more details visit:

Order a Jetson ONE

We are now taking orders for 2026

Public unveiling of the Jetson ONE, at Volandia Museum, where the past meets the future of aviation.
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